There are organizations who are designed from the start to make projects, meaning that the entire organizational structure, culture, values are oriented towards implementing a new technology, a new way of working… delivering unique results with limited frame of time.
There are also organizations who are designed to deliver/produce recurrently goods therefore the organizational structure is designed towards achieving better recurring results on range of products or services.
The real challenge is when one wants to do both and, is splitting everything in group (i.e. departments) and each of the those having its own structure, therefore the facilitating context within which the deliverables are achieved …projects, products and services.
There is no project without problems and there is no production line without problems, everyone knows that, still I observe that not all understand that if you put together an organization that needs to deliver projects and another one that needs to deliver products and services there is a third type of category of problems, the interfacing problems between those two types of organizations.
While these organizational types are sharing a common foundation of values, cultures, etc.…a major part of the mindset, of the way of working, of the skills it’s completely different.
The way of managing each of the organizations (the one aimed to do projects and one aimed to do recurring production) is different.
Having this overview, one can understand then that the actual way of working needs to take into consideration how to manage the over stress of the interface between those two types of the organizations within same company.