If you are curious about my story, my work or just want to grab my resume… you’re in the right place and this page is only about me.
It is actually the page where I talk referring to me at third person
Catalin fancies himself as a visionary project manager focused on delivering the right approach, methodology and tools for ideas to become reality.
He considers important having the right approach from beginning while making a proper coordination and follow-up is the hardest step to obtain the results and make it consistent over time.
Father of two and husband of one, Catalin takes the continuous improvement tools in his personal live striving to make the time spent with the dear ones more valuable.
As he moves towards 42 years old, he collected some nice hobbies along the way like riding the bicycle , roller blades, skiing and kickboxing that he shares with his youngest.
Being a self-taught person he spends a lot of time studying on how to become better in every field of his activities including those hobbies.
He says that “ you have to be obsessively passionate over an area of your life to reach the level between good and excellent”
Catalin likes to contribute and to share his knowledge in any personal and professional projects you might have that overlaps his area of expertise as presented within this website.